At LifeWork Learning, we are thrilled that you have chosen to join us in learning and doing the 12 recovery steps! As we learn together, our goal is to help you to understand what Christ-centered recovery via the 12 steps is all about. Our approach is to come alongside you by meeting you where you are in support. This course is connected to Community Recovery International’s website where you can register and become a part of the recovery community in Jesus Christ. There you can email your questions, post prayer requests on our Facebook page and sign up for more courses as they come available. As we say in the course, “Recovery is about drugs and alcohol, but overall it is about life issues.”


The purpose of this course is to unpack, define and know how to apply the 12 steps of recovery. The goal of this course is for the student to master the 12 steps in their own life so as to coach another person in their recovery process in every situation.


In this course, you will unpack what the 12 steps and their Biblical foundations are and how to apply them. As you survey the 12 steps and the Bible, we will explore what it means to surrender, process the past, reconcile with others and become ready to help someone else. You will also develop a toolbox of best recovery practices that will contribute to your relapse prevention and provide skills in helping a fellow peer in recovery.


Upon completion of this course, you will have,

  • Understood and articulated what the 12 steps are in a Christ-centered context and how they apply to life.
  • Established a routine of self-reflection and best recovery practices for your recovery journey.
  • Built a skill set to use in helping others in their recovery journey.
  • Completed and applied the 12 steps in your own life.
  • Created a connection to a community of recovery through LifeWork Learning.


In each lesson, Dr. Mark will unpack each recovery step; 12 steps, 12 lessons. From there you will be able to download the PowerPoint presentation that he uses for that lesson for review. Under the materials section in each lesson, there will be a set of questions and other activities to help you to apply each lesson in your life. In addition, there is a place to post questions embedded in each lesson where Dr. Mark or a staff member will be able to respond. If you are in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area on a Friday night, please join us at Community Recovery at 6 PM every week. We meet at New Community Church, 2340 Dean Lake Ave. N.E. in Grand Rapids, and invite you to join us. Online, join us anytime at crirecovery.online.church as our weekly features are available 24/7.

If you are a mental health professional using this material, we also invite you to join us on Friday nights or online as well to encourage your clientele to connect with us for aftercare. Please contact us at crirecovery@outlook.com for more information.

Again, we are glad that you are here and look forward to seeing you embrace your journey with God and recovery!

— Dr. Mark Vander Meer, D. Min, Executive Director of Community Recovery International